12/01/23 Jason Ricci Q and A session

Questions with Timestamps

01m26s First, I've gotta say, I'm so happy you are even here, given what happened recently. My question is, is your music influenced by your life, or is it more of an escape? Maybe neither or both. I was thinking about this because much of people's music is about their life experiences but I use learning the harmonica to get away from a world that seems crazier and crazier every day.

04m32s Joe Filisko swears by the “Train” as being one of the single most important exercises harmonica players can practice. Do you have any go-to exercises that you could share and the reasons why you feel they are critical for developing solid musicianship skills (i.e., what skills do the exercises help develop)?

11m12s How do you approach memorizing a new song/piece? Is there one you could recommend for a beginner?

12m44s Any tips on learning to play by ear? Is there a process you could share?

18m05s How do you make the percussive ”ch” sound before notes say when you are playing a baseline?

26m00s Can you comment on when/how to use throat vibrato vs hand vibrato?

30m31s Hi Jason, hope you are doing well. I know you mostly play your own music, but I have a question on cover songs and how you incorporate harmonica licks and solos into a non-harmonica song. When you play a cover song which originally doesn't have a harmonica in it, how do you approach that and what would you say are the do's and don'ts? PS: I recently found an Albert Collins cover from you with the below zero blues band of the song 'I ain't drunk'. I used it as inspiration to play along with this song in my band, really cool! Thank you for that, haha!

33m43s Adding to Marieke's question, my wife and I play ukulele/harmonica duets. She likes to play cover songs like Hotel California (key of A). I'd like to stick in some fill-in riffs. What key would you recommend for this? A or D or something else? And, any suggestion on when to do the fill-ins?

42m13s Strangest question ever but if Gonzo from the Muppet show was a harmonica player which harmonica player would be the real-life Gonzo? (Asking because I am getting inked of Gonzo playing harmonica very soon).

43m04s Our (Tomlin's) harmonica community is (sadly) predominantly white (mainly male, mainly not-young). I'm sometimes saddened by the reality that what (at least in the States) music that was created by Blacks has evolved this way. Your thoughts? Are any efforts to reach out to prospective Black players?

51m40s You get the fantastic tone and expression out of the bends on the 3 holes. Is there anything going on there that you can share to start other harmonicas on developing their own style? Meow!

56m04s Hi Jason, glad you and Kaitlin are ok after your house got shot up, apart from making your harps look good, what changes if any do you make to them, I prefer the Special 20 cover plates but like Rocket combs do you ever mix and match, and does your harp wah still work with the new side vents? 😀

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