365-day money-back guarantee. Get a FULL refund if you’re not 100% satisfied.

Do you ever watch good harmonica players and think,
I wish I found it that easy?

You’re not alone! I know I used to. But here’s what I’ve learnt:

It’s NOT easy. At least not to begin with. 

Anybody who plays the harp well has put in the hard yards. The reason they’re good is because they’ve
studied and practised

Nobody just ‘gets it’ and plays well without any work (despite what some may tell you….)

And the one thing all good harpers share is this:

They understand music theory.

Not too sexy, huh? 

But it’s true. You see, the harmonica may be a relatively easy instrument to play at first. You can toot out a simple tune after a few days of practice.

That’s where most people stop. And they try to improve simply by playing more. 

But that doesn’t work.
To be good, and keep improving, it really helps to understand music theory. 

Did all the harmonica greats know music theory? No, but most of them did. They might not have known the correct words for it, but they understood music theory. 

And so do the good amateurs you see playing a decent bit of harp at a jam session. 

Maybe they learnt it by paying a tutor. Maybe they spent months learning from books, or trawling through hit-and-miss YouTube videos. 

But, somehow, they got their head around music theory. And that’s how they make it
look easy.   

Because, when you have a proper understanding of music theory under your belt – that’s when the magic happens…

But it can be tough. Maybe you’ve already tried, and failed, to learn music theory yourself. It takes time and perseverance. And there’s no clear and simple route to understanding it and knowing how to use it in your playing.

Until now…          

I’m so excited to have been able to work with one of my favourite players and teachers, Sandy Weltman, to create a fun and effective online course called “Music Theory For The Harmonica In Ten Minutes Or Less”.

It gives harmonicats like you the grounding you need in music theory - all in super easy-to-follow bite-size videos.

You’ll discover how to:

  • Communicate with other musicians through the common language of music – so you can jam and improvise easily with others…

  • Expand your musical listening, understanding and performance skills – so you continually progress and improve as a harper…

  • Grow your creative ideas in blues, and a variety of other musical genres – so you discover exciting new sounds and styles that showcase the incredible versatility of your harp…

  • Play what you hear – so you change the music in your head into beautiful sounds on your harmonica…

  • And much, much more…

When you’re done, you’ll have so much more fun with your harmonica than you ever thought possible.

Before we go any further, here are two things you MUST know about this course:

You get lifetime access. There’s no time limit on this - you can keep coming back and rewatching the videos as many times as you like and whenever you like.  

You get a 365-day money-back guarantee. That’s right - you have a full year to claim all your money back if you’re not happy. Why so long? Because I don’t know how much time this will take you and I don’t want you to be even the slightest bit disappointed. So, buy the course, do the whole thing at your leisure, then - if you’re not 100% happy - you can ask me for a refund. I’ll refund you without quibble or question - you don’t need to give me a reason.

Join Now!

Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you get when you invest $97 in this course:

Music Theory For The Harmonica In Ten Minutes Or Less with Sandy Weltman – What’s Inside

Module 1 - Beginners

In this foundation module, Sandy covers the fundamentals of music theory.

You'll gain a solid understanding of notes, the musical range of the harmonica, and its octaves.

You'll also explore the essential building blocks of melody, harmony, and rhythm - including intervals, major scales, chords, arpeggios, and counting in two and four through a 12 bar blues progression.

Sandy ends with an introduction to song keys and harmonica positions, setting the stage for the rest of the course.

This module equips you with the core music theory knowledge you need to unlock your full potential as a harmonica player, underpinning everything that's to come in the course.

Module 2 - Intermediate

In this intermediate module, Sandy takes you deeper into the world of melody, harmony, and rhythm.

You'll explore the rich sounds of minor, blues, and pentatonic scales, expanding your melodic vocabulary.

You'll also cover all the arpeggios in a major key, giving you a comprehensive understanding of harmony.

On the rhythm side, you'll learn how to add flair to your playing with triplets and eighth notes. Sandy also gives you an in-depth look at the twelve bar blues harmonic chord structures and delves further into harmonica positions.

This builds on the previous module, showing you techniques and concepts that take your harmonica playing to the next level.

Module 3 - Advanced

In the advanced module, Sandy explores the rich and diverse world of modes.

You'll also dive into the lush harmonies of seventh chords and inversions, which add sophistication to your playing.

On the rhythmic front, you'll tackle syncopation, so you learn how to stress the beats that aren’t normally stressed – adding depth to your music.

You'll also cover musical patterns for scales and arpeggios. Finally, Sandy shows you how to put everything together on the harmonica, so you see how to integrate all the concepts you’ve learnt into your harp playing.

This module is the culmination of the course, equipping you with the advanced skills and knowledge you need to become an expressive and confident harmonica player.

Through these three information-packed modules, you gain a comprehensive understanding of music theory, tailored specifically for harmonica players. You'll acquire a deep knowledge of melody, harmony and rhythm, enabling you to craft captivating riffs, soulful solos and infectious grooves. 

From fundamental building blocks to advanced concepts like modes, inversions, syncopation, and harmony, you develop the musical vocabulary and intuition needed to play great harmonica. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge necessary to jam confidently with other musicians and belt out solos whenever you like.

Each section features five easy-to-follow videos - no more than 10 minutes or so in length. And there’s a fun quiz to do after each one, so you can test yourself on what you just learnt.  

You ALSO get lifetime access to the private course community - where you meet Sandy and your fellow students and discuss your progress.  

You get ALL this for just $97.

365-day money-back guarantee. Get ALL your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied.

Now, maybe you're thinking Why do I need theory? I just want to jam and have fun!

Believe me, I get it. When I started playing harp, the last thing I wanted to bother with was theory. 

But here's the thing - a little music theory goes a long way on the harmonica. It's like a set of instructions that shows you how to translate what you want to play, and can hear in your head, into actual music. 

You can play harmonica without music theory BUT a little bit of knowledge goes a very long way (believe me).

But what do I know about music theory, exactly? (That’s my cue to tell you a bit about myself…)

I’m Tomlin Leckie, a professional harmonica player and tutor. You probably know me from my harmonica YouTube channel. I’m also the founder of Tomlin Harmonica School, the world’s most popular online harmonica school.

I’ve developed and presented many online harmonica courses and taught hundreds of students in person. 

So, I know my music theory (well enough to be dangerous, anyway!).

But for this special course, I’ve turned to someone who understands more about music theory in relation to the harmonica than me, or anyone else I know.  

His name’s Sandy Weltman and he’s one of the finest harpers out there. You may know him as a jazz specialist, but he’s equally skilled in blues, jazz, klezmer, Latin and more. He learnt under harmonica legend Howard ‘Flecktone’ Levy and went on to play harp on dozens of albums. He’s also released five albums of his own.

As a teacher, Sandy’s has released hundreds of YouTube videos and helped thousands of students - via workshops, residencies and musical programmes.

And, wow, can he play! Take a look:

As you can see, Sandy’s awesome! I want you to learn from the best. 

But the main reason I chose Sandy to host this course is for his encyclopaedic knowledge of music theory, and his ability to bring that across in a simple, easy-to-follow style. That’s not easy – only the greatest teachers can do it. 

Inside the course, he’ll take you through 15 easy-to-follow, bite-size videos, with each session lasting... you guessed it... 10 minutes or less.

Try it risk-free for 365 days.

I’m so confident you’ll love this course that I’m giving you a whole year to try it.  

If at any point in the next 365 days you don’t think it’s worth the money, I’ll refund you in full. No questions asked. 

Unleash Your Harmonica's Full Potential

This course is your key to unlocking your musical promise. Knowing musical theory allows you to communicate with other musicians, understand what they're playing, and easily join in.   

The bite-size lessons give you a deep understanding of melody, harmony, and rhythm. You’re getting a clear roadmap that shows you how to play your harp with freedom and confidence. And all it takes is ten minutes a day.

When you’re done, you have the skills and assurance you need to play with anyone, anywhere, whenever the mood strikes – without nerves or overthinking. 

All for the price of a round of drinks…

Here’s a reminder of what you get for just $97:

➡️ 15 bite-size videos, all hosted by harp legend Sandy Weltman, across three modules - taking you from beginner level to advanced concepts of music theory for the harmonica

➡️ Quizzes at the end of each lesson to reinforce your understanding and track your progress

➡️ Access to a private student community where you can discuss the course material and connect with Sandy and your fellow harpers

➡️ 365-day money-back guarantee


Who is the course for?

This is for anyone, at any level, who has the desire to learn more about music theory and use that knowledge to improve their playing.  

What type of harmonica do I need? 

You need a ten-hole diatonic harmonica in the key of C major.

How long does it take? 

The course could easily be done in 15 days – a video a day. But you can take as long as you like. In fact, most students will use it as a reference that they can dip in and out to gradually strengthen their knowledge of music theory.

How long do I have access to the course?

For the rest of your life! After you’ve completed the course, you can go back over all the videos and retake the quizzes whenever you like. 

How is this course different from your or Sandy’s YouTube videos?  

Both Sandy and I have lots of free tuition videos on YouTube - as we’re big believers in helping everyone. But you won’t find any of the videos in this course on YouTube, and you never will. That’s because each one is part of a step-by-step, structured journey to understanding music theory and using it in your harp play.

Is there a guarantee? 

Yes – and this is very important as I don’t want anyone to pay for something that doesn’t help them. So, you have a whole year to go through the course and decide if you like it or not. If you’re not happy - for any reason, or no reason at all - I’ll refund all your money, no questions asked. You just need to send an email within 365 days to [email protected]

Can I pay in my country’s own currency?

Yes. Although I charge in US dollars, you can pay by credit/debit card and your bank will convert this into your own currency for you.

Still have questions?

Drop me a line at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you.

Here’s something you must understand about the harmonica:

To really improve with this instrument, you can’t wing it.  

If you want to be the sort of player who can pick up a harp and create tunes on the fly…

And join spontaneous jam sessions with other musicians…

And entertain a room full of family and friends just through the power of your harp… 

Then I STRONGLY recommend you learn music theory.

But it can be tough. Trying to piece it together on your own is overwhelming, frustrating and – frankly - boring. I should know, it took me years to get my head around music theory. That’s because I was trying to teach myself.  

Unless you have bags of time and patience, self-study is not a good plan. It’s like wandering around a new town without a map - you have no idea where you’re going.  

To truly understand how theory works and apply it to your harmonica playing, you need guidance from an expert.

And that’s exactly why Sandy and I created this course. 

It condenses decades of harmonica playing and teaching experience into three easy-to-follow, powerful modules that demystify music theory and show you exactly how to use it to improve your harp playing.

This course won’t turn you into a music theory expert in a couple of weeks. Nothing can do that, as developing a deep understanding of the subject takes time and practice. But it does give you all the tools and knowledge you need to take your harp playing to the next level.

Follow the step-by-step lessons and you'll be able to pick up your harmonica and play with confidence, safe in the knowledge that you know what you’re doing. It gives you a bedrock of knowledge and skills that you can build on over a lifetime.

OK, I guess I’ve said all I can about the incredible value of this course. But you must remember this:

If you're truly committed to fulfilling your potential and taking your musical ability to a high level, now’s the time to act.

Click below and you’re in: